It seems that the Annual Return and the financial Statements up to 31/08/2022 have been filed since the original posting here on January 17th, the text below has been modified to reflect those filings.

Company Name:  Scouting Ireland Campsites and Facilities Company Limited by Guarantee (Changed from Castle Saunderson Limited : 20/06/2012)

Company Number:  376543

Registered On:  03/10/2003

Constitution:  Original (filed 02/10/2003) updated on 06/12/2016    Current version here…    Original here…

Objects:  “The objects for which the company is established are to develop the Castle Saunderson Estate in County Cavan as a permanent campsite, a peace and reconciliation centre and a leisure / educational activity centre for Scouts, Guides and other organisations in the education, sporting, and leisure activity sector including providing places and facilities for curricular and extra curricular activities for school pupils and the doing of all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects to include promoting awareness of the charitable organisation, Scouting Ireland.”

Last Annual Return to CRO:  19/01/2024 for financial year to 31/08/2022    Read it here…

Directors per last annual return:

Lisa Barnes, Ned Brennan, Sean Farrell, Dermot Lacey, Tony Barry Smith, David Walsh

Secretary per last annual return:  Sean Farrell

Last Financial Statements filed at CRO:  For financial year to 31/08/2022    Read it here…

Following the donation to Scouting of the Castle Saunderson Demesne, the International Scout Centre started life as a project driven by the then Chief Scout of Scouting Ireland (CSI), the project was researched, key stakeholders engaged and funding started via grant applications and a programme to secure donations.

In 2003 a decision was made to transfer the assets and the project to a company separate to Scouting Ireland, and the company which is now called Scouting Ireland Campsites and Facilities Company Limited by Guarantee was established.

As the project was in flight prior to the establishment of the company details of amounts raised or spent prior to that financial year are not to hand, the oldest set of accounts for that company currently on file at the Companies Registrations Office (CRO) are for the year ending December 31st 2005. These feature fixed assets with net book value of €575k (Land €432k  + Buildings €143k), and a Special reserve of €307k. Taking account of Liabilities and Creditors, the company reported a positive balance of €161k at the end of that financial year.

Since the end of the 2005 financial year, annual financial statements have been filed, each years financial statements can be viewed by clicking on the appropriate date below.

Some highlights from the financial statements are:


  • A note in the statements says that grants received to that financial year amounted to €168k and donations amounted to €1.026m
  • Fixed assets at net book value €594k (Land €447k + Buildings €147k)

2010: Income of €430k in respect of land sale

2012: A non-refundable grant of €170k from Scouting Ireland Services


  • A grant of €1.5m from the Special European Union Programme Body (SEUPB)
  • Also a cost to donations or an outgoing donation of €97k

Year ending August 31st 2022)

  1. Fixed assets(Land & Buildings) at net book value = €1.522m
  2. Owed to Gasóga na hÉireann / Scouting Ireland CLG  = €150k
  3. Other assets – other liabilities  = €61k
  • Accumulated Surplus (1 + 3 – 2) = €1.433m

2022    2021     2020     2019     2018     2017    2017 Notes     2016     2015     2014     2013     2012     2011     2010     2009     2008     2007     2006     2005

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