Inclusive Decision Making in Scouting

Voluntary organisations today are highly regulated, and this puts the onus on those in charge to be fully accountable for how the organisation conducts its affairs. That said, Scouting remains a voluntary movement of and for young people, supported primarily by Adult Volunteers at all levels.

Inclusive decision-making at all levels is essential to ensure quality decisions that are informed by the views and experiences of all of those involved and to enable the successful delivery of our educational and developmental objectives.

A number of documents produced over the years have outlined aspects of this but there seems to be an absence of an up-to-date reference document on the subject.

This document sets out further the need for the inclusion of all Scouters and youth members in decision-making at all levels and how this may be achieved.

Essentially it summarises what can be gleaned as existing Scouting Ireland guidance from a variety of sources. In addition, the article proposes an approach to Youth Involvement in decision making at Provincial level consistent with previous practice. If further proposes some aspects of Youth Involvement in decision making at National level which would require the agreement of the CEO and Management Team as well as the Board.

There is much that can be done at all levels to ensure that youth members and Scouters  can contribute effectively to decision making at all levels, if the will is there to do it.

To view or print the document CLICK HERE

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